What A Great Place To Start
Here, your child will discover respect, collaboration, and the joy of learning.
This is much more than just a preschool. At Elite Preschool & Learning Center, we’re committed to doing everything possible to support our community. It starts with a healthy, safe environment when your child is away from home.
Rated One Of The Best Preschools in Phoenix
About Us
Elite Preschool and Learning Center emphasize an individual approach to every child, with respect for all as children of God, within an atmosphere of acceptance and grace. While Elite Preschool & Learning Center makes its home in Grace Walk Community Church, the preschool welcomes all children, of any faith or none.
Registration for 2023-2024 is ongoing until classes are full.
Our curriculum is designed to provide a loving, safe, and fun environment for children to learn and grow at their own pace. We address the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual needs of children.
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, without error. We acknowledge one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became human to reveal God and save humanity. All people were created in God's image to know Him personally but fell into sin, unable to restore it ourselves.
Salvation is found solely through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, and it is freely offered to those who have faith in Him. Christians should live for Christ, guided by God's Word and the Holy Spirit. The church, the body of Christ, glorifies God by loving Him and sharing His message with the world.
Enroll Today!
7840 W. Lower Buckeye Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85043